
13 minute read

Fintech Marketing Strategies for 2024

FinTech Marketing Strategy meeting

Welcome, savvy tech pioneers, to the ever-evolving landscape of fintech marketing 2024! As technology continues to reshape the financial world, we can help you chart a course for marketing success in this digital frontier. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore 20 diverse strategies to help you get started.

1. Create (Truly) Valuable Content

Let’s start with the basics, shall we? Creating truly valuable content isn’t just about serving up blog posts or videos for the sake of driving SEO; it’s a strategic masterstroke.

If you don’t already have a backlog of stellar writing, video, and social captions, start building one by:

  • Conducting thorough research. Explore trending social media hashtags like #fintok or forums
  • Then tailor your content answers to their queries. For instance, consider interviewing your company’s leadership to extract insights on industry trends or challenges.
  • Next convert these insights into informative articles, reels, or informative explainers. You can also integrate them into targeted ad campaigns to maximize your reach.

Another effective approach is to tap into user-generated content (UGC). Encourage your customers to share their success stories or experiences with your products and services. Post these stories on your website, social media channels, or in email newsletters. It not only humanizes your brand but also showcases real-life benefits and builds trust.

2. Embrace Cause-Driven FinTech Marketing Strategies

Linking your company to charities, issues, or causes related to your mission differentiates your brand. By aligning with a cause that resonates with your audience, you demonstrate a deeper commitment. That’s especially important to Millennial and GenZ customers who consistently hold businesses accountable for supporting social change.


  • Charitable Donations: A fintech focused on financial literacy might donate a percentage of fees to organizations that promote financial education.
  • Cause-Centric: Be a brand on a mission. Highlight the cause’s importance, and how your business supports it. Debt Busters, for example, is committed to financial freedom for all and helping everyday people break free of debt and grow toward higher credit scores. 
  • Community Involvement: Encourage your employees to participate in volunteer activities related to the company’s chosen cause.

3. Personalize Everything

Personalization is your ticket to fostering deeper customer connections. By tailoring your offerings, and recommendations to individual preferences, you create a magical experience. When customers receive solutions that align with their unique needs, they’re more likely to stick around and become loyal advocates. Plus it drives revenue growth. Studies show that personalized marketing can lead to sales increases of up to 20%.

Wondering where to start? Segment your audience based on shared characteristics, such as age, income, financial goals, or investment preferences.

The gold standard solution for personalizing your marketing efforts is Salesforce, but less expensive options like FreshSale and Monday may suit startup fintech companies. Whatever tools and strategies you use, embrace personalization to cement customer loyalty.

4. Get Social with Fintech Reels

Reels captivate your audience in a world of fleeting attention spans. Use them to showcase your solutions in a format that resonates with the modern consumer’s preference for visual content. Reels are currently favored by the Instagram algorithm, which means these bite-sized videos are more likely to be pushed to people who don’t follow you. And since reels are a storytelling medium, they allow you to share customer success stories and narrate your brand journey.

Some of the most popular fintech reel topics include:

  • Product showcases and demos
  • Customer testimonials
  • Interviews with subject matter experts

Even better if you can create an ongoing series of videos with a charismatic in-house host or executive leaders touching on a timely fintech-topic. (Mine the news for ideas!) Instagram offers some top tips for creating unforgettable reels, but there are also scores of YouTube videos covering everything from lighting basics to leveraging AI for video editing.

In an era where attention spans are shorter than a TikTok video, Fintech reels allow you to convey your message with flair. These short and snappy videos are perfect for quickly grabbing customer attention, and then leaving a lasting impression.

5. Mobile-First User Experience: Rule the Mobile Realm

Recent research shows that mobile devices generate 54.4% of global website traffic. And yet a staggering number of websites are not yet mobile-optimized! If your financial technology website is crowded with unnecessary widgets, intrusive pop-ups, and content that serves no purpose, users will bounce off your site within seconds, frustrated by the clutter. Speed is part of the mobile equation, too: Increasing mobile site speed by just 0.1 seconds results in a bounce rate improvement of 8%.

To ensure a seamless mobile experience:

  1. Focus on concise and purposeful web copy.
  2. Employ visual elements like infographics, icons, and relevant imagery to enhance understanding.
  3. Opt for larger fonts to improve readability on smaller screens.
  4. Incorporate quick-loading animations for added engagement. (But ditch unnecessary widgets and pesky pop-ups.)
  5. Include clear, effective calls to action.

Basically, you want to prioritize perfecting your website’s mobile performance before investing in ads, traffic, SEO efforts, or any other marketing endeavors. Remember, it’s not just about being present in the mobile realm; it’s about being unforgettable.

6. Blog, Blog, Blog!

Blogging remains a powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal. Recent statistics show that businesses that maintain an active blog receive 55% more website visitors than those that don’t. Not only that, companies with blogs are reported to generate 67% more leads per month on average.

What’s more, social influencers and brands with well-maintained blogs often experience a substantial boost in their return on investment (ROI). The value of blogging remains as robust as ever in the ever-evolving digital landscape. That said, don’t just publish any old post. Focus on these strategies:

  • Quality: Only share insightful, relevant content. No fluff, period.
  • Collaboration: Team up with fintech influencers and bloggers. It’s like having a digital megaphone that amplifies your reach.
  • Consistency: Regular updates keep your audience hooked. It’s like a TV series; miss an episode, and you risk losing the plot.

If you’re launching a fintech blog from scratch, start by seeing what competitors are up to. How often do they post and how much do they write? Which articles get the most shares and engagement? Then generate your own editorial calendar, queue up a month’s worth of posts, and prepare to publish, share, and interact with your followers.

7. Educate Your Fintech Customers

You may feel like understanding the world of fintech is a piece of cake.. but many of your customers find it daunting. In this complex world, knowledge is empowerment. An educational approach not only builds user trust and loyalty but also cements your reputation as a fintech industry heavy-hitter. Offer your customers:

  1. Webinars and Workshops: Host regular online sessions covering buzzy topics in fintech. Think “Blockchain Basics” or “Navigating the Crypto Jungle.” Spice it up with interactive Q&As, real-life examples, and animations.
  2. In-Depth Guides and Whitepapers: Create a series of guides ranging from “Fintech for Dummies” to “Advanced Algorithm Alchemy.” Offer these as free downloads on your website.
  3. Email Enlightenment: Curate newsletters that don’t just sell but educate. Start with beginner tips for the newbies and slowly delve into the arcane arts of advanced fintech.

Before you dive in, make sure you know your audience. Are they wide-eyed beginners or seasoned tech gurus? Let that information guide your content strategy. Then keep a finger on the pulse of the fintech world. Stay updated, stay relevant, and most importantly, stay interesting. Your customers don’t need another financial service provider; they need a fintech mentor. Be that for them, and watch customer loyalty skyrocket.

8. Partner with Finfluencers

Social media influencers in fintech are a major source of financial advice consumed by millennials and Gen Z. In your industry, these “finfluencers” have access to the eyes and ears that you need! This means collaborations can amplify your reach and credibility almost overnight.

Before you dip your toes into the pool of social media marketing, spend some time considering the best collaborative strategy for your unique fintech offering. Would sponsored TikTok or Instagram posts on a finfluencer’s feed work for you? (21% of financial advisors are using TikTok for business.) Think your customers would prefer a joint webinar or an exclusive online event? How about a fintech meetup or live Q&A session that would allow the influencer’s charisma to shine?

To get started, identify influencers who are relevant to your niche: Keep it relevant, you’re looking for a match made in digital heaven. Mommy bloggers who write about garden-grown baby food are not your audience, no matter how large their following is. And remember that influencers are looking for collaborations that benefit them as well as you. Bring something unique to the table, and watch as these digital alchemists turn your brand’s social currency into pure gold.

9. Be Bold with Your Branding

So you’ve got a world-class product, a killer social media strategy, and a super-smooth mobile platform but your logo, copy, and design are embarrassingly out of date. That will stop new customers in their tracks. 81% of consumers say brand trust is a deciding factor when making a purchase decision, so your fintech marketing strategy must build trust. And since fintech is a cutting-edge industry, your brand should be equally modern and memorable.

If your brand needs a revamp, consider your customer’s profile: What’s their style? What makes them tick? From there, develop your brand personality and unique brand voice. Create compelling and intriguing key messages that will drive both copy and visuals. And only then, bring in the design team to craft an arresting visual identity to be used across all media.

Branding can be daunting, so don’t shy away from hiring a consultant or agency to guide the work. But if you’re willing to dive in with your internal team you can own or co-own branding or at least parts of the process.

A good place to jump in is by understanding your audience (dig into all possible data) and spying on your competitors. From there, you can develop your brand’s pillars (foundation) and bring its personality to life.

10. Embrace Gamification: Yes, It’s Still Big

Gamification helps make fintech equal parts informative and engaging. It improves customer retention simply because humans have a psychological propensity toward playing games. We live for those “Aha!” moments. Gamification can do everything from making your onboarding process less onerous to boosting product discoverability. Plus a gamified app gives you valuable insights into the behavior, usage habits, and even preferences of your users. Give these tactics a whirl:

  1. Virtual Portfolio Challenge: Users create and manage fantasy investment portfolios, making real-time decisions to climb the leaderboard.
  2. Badges as Virtual Praise: As users navigate your fintech platform and hit certain financial milestones, reward them with digital badges for achievements.
  3. Gamified Loyalty Programs: Implement loyalty programs that reward users for their continued use of your platform. Offer them rewards like cash back, discounts, or VIP features.

These programs create a win-win situation, motivating users to keep using the platform while fostering brand loyalty.

11. Go Experiential

Experiential marketing is renowned for making lasting impressions. This means connecting customers to your brand through unique experiences, such as virtual events, pop-up stores, and augmented reality (AR) experiences such as Pokemon GO. Commonly, these are personalized experiences that have both digital and in-person components.

Going experiential is relevant, timely, and incredibly effective in an era where consumers crave personalized engagement. Plus it can be incredibly simple and still have a huge impact!

For example, hosting webinars and workshops allows users to interact with your in-house financial experts in real-time, turning learning into an immersive experience. These events can cover various financial topics, from investment strategies to financial planning, providing users with a chance to get their specific, nit-picky questions answered.

Interactive online simulations are also popular. You might offer a virtual trading simulator, allowing users to experience the thrill of the stock market in a risk-free environment. (See? Adventure! Fascination!) Users learn investing skills while exploring the platform’s capabilities.

Get started by researching the tech you’ll need to create a truly unique and valuable experience for your users. And, of course, continuously gather feedback from your users to improve and tailor your experiential marketing strategies.

12. Better Referral Marketing Rewards

By providing tangible incentives for referrals—like cash bonuses or access to exclusive features—fintech referral programs create compelling reasons for users to promote the company’s services. This marketing strategy works beautifully in the fintech sector, where trust and personal recommendations carry significant weight. And on top of that, it fosters a sense of community and shared success. What can you do to level up your rewards?

  • Better Bonuses: Consider a peer-to-peer payment app that elevates its referral program by offering cash bonuses along with access to premium features or priority customer support.
  • Exclusive Benefits: Implementing a system where referred friends receive exclusive benefits creates a win-win scenario. This could include initial credit amounts, reduced transaction fees for a limited period, or special access to new features.
  • Core Offering Rewards: A cryptocurrency exchange, for instance, might offer referral rewards in the form of tokens. This aligns the rewards with the core service of the fintech and allows users to directly participate in the platform’s growth and success.

Before you make any changes, assess the effectiveness of your existing referral program: Analyze user engagement, conversion rates, and overall impact on customer acquisition. What needs the most attention? Then determine if a tool like Referral Factory and Refersion would be a good investment.

13. Try New Formats: Podcast, AR, VR

Fresh formats break the mold, providing new ways to engage and educate audiences. For instance, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) offer dynamic platforms for marketers to showcase their products and services. Customers can interact with virtual representations before making a purchase, which boosts their confidence. New content formats also differentiate fintech companies in a saturated market.

  1. Fintech-Themed Podcasts: Launch a podcast that features charismatic executives, experts, or customers as guests. Topics could include investment strategies, financial planning, getting started with the app, or recent market trends.
  2. AR and VR Experiences: Develop AR and VR applications that allow users to explore their investment portfolios in a 3D virtual environment. Incorporate data visualizations, real-time market trend tracking, and virtual decision-making tools.
  3. Interactive Video Content: Create video content that incorporates interactive elements, such as live Q&A sessions, polls, or quizzes. This format can be especially effective for explaining complex financial concepts.

Your first step should be determining which new content formats will resonate most with your target audience. This could involve market research, user surveys, or analyzing current content consumption trends.

By leveraging these innovative content formats, your fintech company can capture the attention of a wider audience, making finance more engaging and accessible.

14. Win with the Right Affiliate Partners

Affiliate partnerships can be your fintech’s secret weapon for business growth. This strategy helps you increase brand awareness, reach a wider audience, and ultimately drive more traffic to your site. And since you pay out after a customer has been acquired, affiliate programs limit upfront risk while forging a stable partnership and a source of new customers. Consider:

  • Partnerships with Complementary Services: Forge partnerships with services that complement your fintech offering. For instance, a personal finance app might team up with a budgeting tool, creating a complete financial management package.
  • Co-Branded Initiatives: Develop co-branded campaigns or products that combine the strengths of both partners. Think joint webinars, co-created educational content, or integrated app features.
  • Cross-Promotion Strategies: Utilize each partner’s marketing channels for mutual promotion. Try shared social media posts, email marketing campaigns, or featured spots on each other’s platforms.

Start by identifying potential partners whose audience, values, and services align with your fintech brand. Ensure the partnership offers mutual benefits and resonates with both user bases. Then once a partner is onboard, work collaboratively to create co-branded content or integrated services that provide clear, value-added benefits to users.

15. Up Your Design Game

Zoomers have spent their lives immersed in beautiful visuals, so grabbing their attention means offering them a gorgeous aesthetic experience while they invest. Of course, design also encompasses the user experience (UX). A thoughtful UX design can incorporate personalized recommendations, tailored content, and financial insights. And by considering psychological factors like mental models and cognitive load, fintech companies can build experiences that feel secure and reliable. To take design to the next level:

  • Invest in Mobile App UX: Develop a sleek, user-friendly mobile app interface with intuitive navigation and clear financial data visualization.
  • Engaging Visual Campaigns: Create marketing campaigns with striking visuals that appeal to younger audiences like Zoomers, focusing on aesthetics that resonate with their preferences.
  • Unified Branding Across Platforms: Ensure consistent use of design elements such as logos, color schemes, and typography across your website, mobile app, and marketing materials. This coherence reinforces brand identity and trust.

Not sure where to begin? Focus on creating a design strategy that appeals to your specific audience’s aesthetic sensibilities. Invest in top-tier design talent or collaborate with design agencies to craft an interface that’s both beautiful and functional. And regularly assess user feedback and engagement metrics to iteratively improve the design elements.

16. Go Deeper with Your Existing Customers

By offering personalized experiences, exclusive perks, and tailored solutions to existing customers, fintech companies can boost engagement and loyalty. Offering your current fans exclusive perks and rewards – such as access to airport lounges or cash-back offers – incentivizes them to remain loyal. Going deeper can also encourage them to explore additional services, increasing their lifetime value to the company. Try:

  • Custom Advice: Personalized financial advice based on transaction histories and spending patterns acts like a digital financial advisor, adding immense value to the customer experience.
  • Bespoke Rewards Programs: Develop rewards that align with customers’ spending habits and preferences, offering them more reasons to continue using your services.
  • Regular Engagement Initiatives: Organize events, webinars, or interactive sessions exclusively for existing customers to keep them engaged and informed about their financial journey.

17. Trust, Transparency, and Compliance

In an era of heightened scrutiny and data privacy concerns, trust, transparency, and compliance are non-negotiables for fintech companies. These aren’t just a legal requirement but a cornerstone of user trust and security. Try:

  • Clear Communication of Terms: For peer-to-peer (PSP) lending platforms, it’s crucial to transparently present lending terms, interest rates, and repayment schedules, ensuring borrowers are fully informed.
  • Adherence to Regulatory Standards: Fintechs, especially those dealing with cryptocurrencies, must rigorously comply with KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations, ensuring the safety and security of user transactions.
  • Regular Updates on Privacy Practices: Keep users informed about any changes in privacy policies or data handling practices, maintaining an open line of communication.

As you dive into this strategy, stay updated with the latest regulatory requirements and integrate them into your business operations. And use your marketing platforms to communicate your commitment to these standards, emphasizing how they safeguard user interests.

18. Don’t Skimp on Affiliate Marketing Efforts

Affiliate marketing has been around forever and doesn’t sound cutting edge, but it’s a cornerstone to any successful fintech marketing strategy.

For 2024, this means working with affiliate marketing agencies for access to top influencers and joining the right affiliate marketing networks. The best networks can expand your reach to millions of potential customers across thousands of publisher sites.

You can find agencies that specialize in managing affiliate marketing networks and targeting the ideal social and digital placements for financial like social hustling community Fud and finance blogs like The Money Manual with high-converting traffic.

19. Hire a Professional Fintech Marketing Agency

Fintech-savvy agencies can offer critical insights into industry trends and consumer behaviors, often highlighting untapped demographics or emerging markets that align with a company’s offerings. Their understanding of nuanced behavioral metrics can open doors to new customer segments, enhancing the reach and impact of marketing efforts. Partner with an agency for:

  • Tailored Campaign Design: The agency can conduct comprehensive market research, design campaigns, and implement data-driven strategies to reach the right audience effectively.
  • Access to Specialized Resources: Tap them for market research tools, analytics software, and industry connections.
  • Laser-Focused Insights: A good agency cross-references industry trends and consumer behavior. For example, they might recommend focusing on specific demographics or emerging markets based on a client company’s offerings or expertise.

Stick with agencies that specialize in financial marketing and have a proven track record in the field. Establish clear communication about your company’s goals, target audience, and unique value proposition from day one.

20. Lean Into AI

Or keep leaning into AI if you’re already there. Don’t use AI to create your fintech marketing strategies & campaigns or write all of your ad copy — beyond the inaccuracies that will dot the next, you’ll find yourself in hot water when it comes to compliance.

But there are other ways that fintech companies can benefit from AI technology, like AI chatbots that can troubleshoot simple issues and forward more complex ones to human agents, drafting rough drafts for social posts or email blasts, or secretarial and proofreading tasks.

You can ask AI to re-write your copy to explain it to a sixth grader or a layperson, check for stylistic consistency with your brand voice, or summarize documents for you. Many companies are even using AI for project management.

Bottom Line

As the fintech ecosystem continues to grow and diversify, the winners will be those who understand that success hinges not just on innovation but also on the ability to engage, educate, and build trust with customers. Whether you’re a startup navigating the early stages or an established player looking to stay ahead, remember that the heart of fintech is a commitment to empowering individuals and businesses through seamless, secure, and accessible financial solutions. As we chart our course through 2024 and beyond, these fintech marketing strategies are the compass guiding us toward a prosperous digital future.

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